Composite Testing

As promised I do have a Blender update this afternoon. Instead of working on Captain Blender last night I did a little bit of composite testing. I've always been impressed with people who could add computer graphics to still images or videos and decided to attempt to do a quick one myself.

I didn't have any real nice renders to use as subjects, so I decided to use Susanne the Blender monkey. For a background photo I figured I would show off Susanne at the Experimental Biology meeting that I attended this year with my colleague Pete (pictured).
I think that it came out fairly well. I didn't spend a whole lot of time getting the lights correct as there were hundreds in the exhibit hall in San Diego, so the shadows don't exactly match up.

This is actually quite fun to do and with a number of models and good background images you can come up with some pretty cool pictures. I particularly like this one on BlenderArtists.